Symphony Safari (4th Grade Concert) presented by Black Hills Energy
Every January, the Black Hills Symphony Orchestra presents a Symphony Safari concert for all fourth grade students in the Rapid City Area Schools. This concert introduces students to the sights and sounds of the orchestra while teaching them acceptable behavior in a traditional concert setting. This concert is also meant to give students an insight on the type of instrument they may choose to play in the next year of school. Several students are selected to come on stage and conduct the orchestra during several pieces. Many older high school students who play in the orchestra are available to talk to the younger students and inspire them to make music a part of their lives.
Music Memory is a program started in 1998 in the Rapid City Public Schools for Grades 3-5. This program is designed to familiarize children with classical music and allow them to experience a live symphonic experience. Students listen to 10 selections during the school year and learn to listen for melody, harmony, instrumentation, style, and form. In the spring, listening tests are given and eventually teams from each school are chosen and come together for the final competition. This is where the Black Hills Symphony Orchestra comes in. The musicians along with occasional vocalists will present the “test” live in the form of small excerpts of the music. The children experience a new understanding and appreciation for classical music. Medals and trophies are awarded. This event is generously supported by the Rapid City School System.
The Young Artist Competition is an instrumental music competition for serious young musicians in grades: 9 through 12 (or equivalent ages.) Applicants must be recommended by their school music teacher or private music teacher. All competitors submit a recording of their concerto. Finalists perform their piece live in front of a panel of judges. The winner of the Senior Division performs his/her piece with the BHSO.
Partially funded by the City of Rapid City Arts Investment Fund through the Rapid City Arts Council.
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