Jami Beck Memorial Fund

Jami Beck was an extraordinary woman and a beloved member of the Black Hills Symphony. The Jami Beck Fund reflects her heart, her generosity of spirit, and her care for the Black Hills Symphony Orchestra and its mission.

Jami Beck Memorial Fund

The Jami Beck supports the following BHSO activities:
  • The Jami Beck Memorial Music Library
  • Bussing for the Symphony Safari Concert for 4th Graders
  • A concert that Jami would have loved
Give to the Jami Beck Memorial Fund

Who was Jami Beck?

Jami Beck was a champion of the Black Hills Symphony. A talented musician, Jami came to our organization wanting to contribute in any way she could. She played viola in the orchestra for several seasons, more recently performing on clarinet and even saxophone, depending on what was needed.  

Jami served on the BHSO Board of Directors and created a unique and highly-successful series of fundraisers, linking the Symphony and community members. Black Hills Symphony Orchestra “Chamber Music Parties” were salon-style concerts held in private homes. Over the years, many Rapid Citians opened their lovely homes to BHSO small chamber ensembles, in the process raising thousands of dollars for the BHSO. The “Chamber Music Parties” were known for evenings of great food, music, and conversation.  

Jami shared her enduring energy, enthusiasm, talent and commitment with the Black Hills Symphony and the greater Rapid City community. Outside her work as a speech therapist and her BHSO commitments, she found time to perform in many pit orchestras for the Black Hills Community Theatre, teach ice skating, and horseback riding. She was an excellent horsewoman. 

When she passed away suddenly in early 2023, she left a gaping hole in many of our lives. To honor her memory and to celebrate the community she found within the Black Hills Symphony, her family created the Jami Beck Memorial Fund. The Jami Beck Memorial Fund will support the activities of the Black Hills Symphony. Each year the Fund will support:
1. Purchase of music for the “Jami Beck Memorial Music Library”
2. Busing for the Symphony Safari Concert for 4th Grade Students
3. One Concert in the BH Symphony Season that Jami would have loved.


Brett & Lindsay Friedman

Gina Wingfield

Susan Anderson

Joel & Katherine Beck

Barbara Burdo

Bonnie Vavra

Jeremy & Emily Anderson

Fran & Kevin Segrud

Gregory & Julie Forney

Mary Scott

Stacy Sturma

Donald & Muriel Decker

Michael & Patricia      Kroth

Lesa Koscielski

Jaqueline Medill

Susan Callahan

David & Loleta Kvien

Tammy Schnittgrund

Sasha & Daniel Rietti

Susan Skovran

Bernard & Connie Ideker

Kathryn & Gary Burt

Mary Ann Van Wassenhove

Kim & Janine Beck

Christine Leichtnam

Mindy Braithwaite

Susan Guthrie

John & Linda Morgan

Courtney DeMers & Collin Strong

Lyle & Marilyn Larson

David & Nelda Eitreim

Monte & Carla Oyen

Cherrlyn & Jamey Pickering

Bruce & Carol Knowles

Linda K Weber Family Trust

Rodney & Teresa Gray

Susan Beck

Ehresmann Family

Olya Bunger

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